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The Navy Act, 1957, says personnel guilty of any “indecent act” can be jailed for up to two years.Īlso read: ‘Homosexuality not mental illness’: What the 5 judges said while striking down Section 377 Sections 45 and 46(a) of the Air Force Act, 1950, state the same. Section 46 (a) says any person guilty of any disgraceful conduct of a “cruel, indecent or unnatural kind” will, on conviction by court-martial, face up to seven years in jail. Section 45 the Army Act, 1950, talks about the “unbecoming conduct” of officers without detailing it. The Supreme Court order brings the very definition of “moral turpitude” into question. Just last weekend, Army chief General Bipin Rawat had summoned all Colonels and their spouses to Manekshaw Centre in Delhi and said “moral turpitude” was unpardonable.

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